Commit 2024-04-30 16:16 a41b81fd

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perf: make LocalInvariantProp a structure (#12552)

  • Also redefine MDifferentiableWithinAt and MDifferentiableAt so that they are using LiftProp[Within]At.
  • This causes a speedup in the old proof of ContMDiffWithinAt.cle_arrowCongr by 25%.
  • Also give some extra information in the proof of ContMDiffWithinAt.cle_arrowCongr to speed it up by another factor of 4.
  • A bit of the fallout (e.g. in hasSmoothAddSelf) is from Lean unfolding way too many definitions to make things definitionally equal. Since LiftPropWithinAt is now a structure, the old proofs now break, unless you rewrite with chartedSpaceSelf_prod), causing much less defeq-abuse.
  • The new lemmas MDifferentiableWithinAt.differentiableWithinAt_writtenInExtChartAt and MDifferentiableAt.differentiableWithinAt_writtenInExtChartAt have a bit long names. This is to avoid naming clash with the existing MDifferentiableWithinAt.differentiableWithinAt. I'm open for other suggestions.

Estimated changes